Tuesday 13 August 2013

STAZMATT's Collection of Cold War Forces

Another great member of my Southern Hemisphere Fraternity (or should that be Chapter?)....

STAZMATT aka ( Hazza31B on TMP) is an avid collector of minaitures much like most of us, and has also had the priviledge of serving in the Australian Royal Armoured Corps.

So he is yet another Former-Military guy who can shed some light on the World of Armoured and
Mechanised Warfare.....But I'll let him describe himself in his own words...

" I'm a late twenty-something father of 2 living on the central coast of new south wales Australia. I'm a Former Australian Army Tanky, Pastry Chef and currently a stay at home dad. 

My local club is The Newcastle Legions which has a very large FoW following. At the moment im collecting a Guards Tank Force And BAOR Force, on my work bench is the beginnings of US armoured CAV.

Still trying to get people to try something different and run demo games when I can. My wife gives me the odd game or two and is pretty supportive of my hobbies( she still occasionally harasses me about playing with little men though)"

Matt's excellent Blog is here and is well worth a look, as he is very diverse in his Model collections and it makes for an interesting read (Grumpy Dads Wargaming).


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