Monday 15 July 2013


So I've been working with several readers and supporters of my blog to Test the rules and refine them. v4.0 is almost ready for release for wider testing by you the Community. 

But one of the big problems was that I never envisioned having AA or Area Air Defence, well that kind of had to come in as I brought in Helicopters and Gunships. 

I have therefore re-done force Organisational Charts, both for Balance, but also for points and other tweaks for realism or just simplicity. 

The Version 4.0 Force Lists are ready for download on the right hand side. The main rules are almost ready waiting on some staffing and checking.

Still waiting on the ZVEZDA Stuff....Slightly concerned about the current Price Tag of £16.00 for a Platoon of 3 and thats with a Discount? It is still probably cheaper to pick up QRF stuff in packs of 5 or 10. 


  1. Look forward to be able to read the new version of your rules. I agree with you rEgardind zveda modern vehicles price. Really don't understand the difference in price btw wwII and the modern ones.

  2. Hi there just wondering if you think your rules will be right for 1967 or 1973 Arab Israeli wars. Cheers Clint

    1. You could certainly do it, I would nerf lots of the ATGM, AA and Alot of vehicles would go. Or alternatively print out my rules and BLANK out any kit that wasn't around then. It would probably be more inline with TOUR OF DUTY or TROPIC LIGHTNING.

      I would offer to help you out, but I'm quite busy at moment - I might if I get bored one day and cannot face anything else send you a quick list as whimsy? A late 1960's/ 1970's list would be achievable - I wonder if anyone one would care to help? It would be a case of copy and pasting much of the stats from my Rules, and a fair few probably from WWII as the Israeli's had some old kit?

    2. Thanks mate. I am looking to start this project over the winter months, so really no rush at all. As for WW2 vintage vehicles, T34/85s used by all nations including the Israelis (captured from Egypt in the 55 conflict), Su 100s, Panzer 4s (Jordan up to 1973 I think) As well as many other vehicles such as half track (reserve units) etc. Surprisingly I had not thought of Tropic lightning or Tour of duty.... I must have been having a blonde moment!

    3. You've got me hooked, I'm currently reading about the Six Day War and Yom Kippur as well as the Centurion Sho'T and a few other crazy Tank designs (M4A4 Sherman with an AMX13 turret?). I will do this as a bit of a fun project, on coffee breaks at work etc. Vehicle stats I already have in the main, I just need to create FORCE ORG charts.

    4. Real TOE's for these conflicts are pretty hard to get. SO you will have to be a little creative. Please don't get side tracked and please carry on with the fine work you are currently doing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you so much, for all or hard work.I can not wait to try this out!

    1. It's a pleasure not a chore, but thanks for the appreciation. Feel free to help out proofing and testing things and suggesting changes.

  5. If you are looking for FOW related 1967 rules, try here:
