Tuesday 4 December 2012

My Motor Rifle Company is almost finished. 

Question of the Week, any takers what the two Vehicles behind the BTR-70's are?

As you can see I now have 3 Platoons of BMP's and a single HQ BMP plus the two BTR-70's acting as Recce (will get some BDRM's eventually). I am working through the Infantry currently, as well as doing my WWII British Para's (a full painting desk is happy painting Desk!).

So I can finally run this Battlegroup

The next addition will be a 122mm gun Battery based on QRF's 122mm 2S1.

Using this Platoon Structure:-

I will only buy one firing Platoon of 3 Artillery pieces, with an MLTB and three ural trucks. 

More to follow this week, and hopefully some updates from some of the other Force Commanders! 


  1. Hi, I'm going to guess those two are BTR-50's, or a varient thereof. Just not sure why they are open topped.

  2. Winner...I believe they are OT-62 TOPAS(essentially clones of the BTR-50's) used by Czechs and Poles. I'm not sure why they are open topped, but I was given these by a club member who has had them for years and wanted rid of them. He also gave me some strange 8 wheel vehicles, will post up a pic as I have no idea what they are.

  3. Hey Fellas, I think I am correct in saying that early versions of the BTR-50 were open-topped and that it was the later BTR-50K which introduced an armoured roof with access hatches. Presumably the Czech OT-62 may have followed a similar evolution. Following the Czech theme, your 8 wheeled vehicles could perhaps be OT-64 SKOTs (Czech equivellents of the BTR-60). Whatever they are, 4CMBG are locked, loaded and ready for em (albeit in under-armed, under-armoured battle-taxis!) Yours aye, Rusty

  4. This is great stuff guys, me and another FoW buddy are going to get into this (Just bought FoFrules and Cold Wars supplement) and while I am doing Eastern Bloc, my friend who was in the Cdn forces naturally is doing Cdns. Where did you get the decals? And Kudos on the proper Cdn Military license plated, we had those on our car in Germany in the 80s haha.

    Second question, as we have yet to go get dice, how many of each should we get? I am guessing 10 d8s and 10 D10s per side plus a few D12s for superheroes? I already have sov d6s from Flames of War.

    Anyways, will be watching this space keenly, and good luck on your campaign.

    1. Hi Matt, The Canuck decals were spotted by Mwnciboo and are from a German company "TL-Modellbau" at Petra Budde, Auf dem Heckerfeld 21, 53578 Windhagen. Website is at www.tl-modellbau-de and the Canadian decal sheet I used was Ref: 1156 Canadische Armee. They are 1:87 scale but look OK on 15mm AFVs. I have only played one game FoF so far and so am still a novice. The rules suggest 10 x die is a unit's maximum basic initiative but then states that a further dice is granted if one player outnumbers the other. That would give 11 in the example shown however others may know better. Aye, Rusty.

  5. Yeah Rusty covers it... I've bought this for my dice.


    A little expensive, but the wife got it for me. On top of all this if you want reference sheets for FOF send me an E-mail, I will even send you the masters of all the tokens I've made (just print them and punch them out, attach them to counters).

  6. I've just found your site - excellent for me as I've just started my 15mm Cold War project. If you're interested in some rules (1:1 company level) that are soon to be playtested for this period I'd be glad to include you in the group.

  7. Nick actually that would be great - I'm currently working through a FOW Modern Conversion of the Rules, because we are struggling to make FORCE on FORCE viable for a large vehicle based Battlegroup / Company action.

  8. The rules will be a supplement to the Toofatlardies' WW2 set I Aint Been Shot Mum (working title I Aint Been Nuked Mum) which I'm writing on their behalf as I've been playing 1980s games since they were bang up to date. The rules place a strong emphasis on command and control, 'friction' and hidden movement. Unfortunately it'll mean getting the original rules (actually they're very good) in order to play. We've got players here in the UK, the USA and Holland interested in trying them out, including guys who were in BAOR or USAEUR at the time, and it would be good to add nmore people with the interest and the kit to ensure it plays and 'feels' right. If you want more details of the basic systems see

    e-mail me at nick@overland.fsbusiness.co.uk


  9. Sounds like an interesting discussion. Mwnciboo has set up a mouth watering campaign and I have happily been trying to get up to speed with the mechanisms of FOF. I know something of TFL rules which very much give the flavour of the friction of battle and the influence of key individuals (Big Men) on the action. I am using "We'll Have to Bloody Walk Then" for the final battles of my Falklands campaign. These are however, very infantry-centric battles and I would be interested to see how vehicle combat is represented. From a selfish point of view as the Canadian commander, my army's best asset in defence is the long range engagement ranges and thermal imager observation capability of the TOW missile system. In this respect at least, FOF, starting with everyone in or near contact, at a stroke removes the advantages of my best weapon system to attrit the Soviets before they can close. In a knife-fight with BMPs and T80s my M113s are likely to end up as burning wreckage! Mind you, this may well be the result with or without TOW. Yours aye, Rusty

    1. This is true to a degree but BMP's are awfully armoured and most things cripple them. I've been play testing the rules and it's getting rather interesting, I think I've finally got a semblence of balance whilst retaining the idealogical difference/ flavours of the forces.

  10. Here is your answer ciboo:

