Saturday 13 October 2012

Work in Progress BAOR Battlegroup

Okay, tried to crack this force this weekend, but I have lost the spray nozzle to my DULLCOTE which is annoying. As you will see the models are far too shiny, when I find the Nozzle or buy another can I will sort this out. Secondly I will buy some of the Decals to complete these models, with the proper details. Finally I've settled on an approximate looks a bit like DPM pattern for my troops, at 15mm I try to get an Impressionist effect, I am not a fan of the Black lined Cartoony look that many Flames of War Players go for. Anyway enough chat, here are some pictures and a breakdown of the paint scheme.

Thanks to COLDWARGAMER for some advice, once I get the dullcote on, it will be a final touch up and paint job and decals, so this is at 85% done. The colour scheme for all the Vehicles is:-

1. Prime (Black)
2. Whole vehicle - 2 x Light coats of Vallejo Russian Uniform (924).
3. Black Stripes - 1:1 Mix BLACK + Vallejo Dark Seagreen (868).
4. Camo Nets - Vallejo Flat Earth 983
5. Smoke Launchers, Barrel, MG's - Vallejo Dark Seagreen (868) 

6. Wash entire model - GW Badab Black Wash. 
7. Varnish - Vallejo Gloss Varnish - 72072
8. Pin Wash - Vallejo Black Shade Wash.
9. Dry Brush - 1:3 Vallejo Russian Uniform (924) + Vallejo Kharki (988)

Should now look like this:-

Still to do:-
10. Dullcote.....
11. Gloss varnish small area's apply decals.
12. Add weathering powders
13. Final Dullcote.

The MILAN Platoon was a much more difficult prospect.....(I used the Beret of the Royal Welch which is a sandy / light brown)

1. Paint all models Vallejo Russian Uniform (924).
2. Paint all Small Arms / Binoculars / Boots Black.
3. Paint on area's of Flesh and Hair your own choice of colours.
4. Lightly paint across body with small spots of Vallejo English Unifrom (921).
5. Lightly paint across body with small spots of Vallejo Khaki (988).
6. Lightly paint across body & MILAN with small spots of Vallejo Reflective Green (890).
7. Lightly paint across body with an exceptional small brush fine lines of Black.
8. Wash with a Dark / Black wash but do not allow to pool on uniform or it will spoil effect of DPM.

Still to do:-

9. 1:1 PVA + Water mix and paint on base then flock base. 

So that's it pretty simple, another couple of days and I will have this whole force done and I can get on with the daunting prospect of the SOVIET MOTOR RIFLE. 

I may just cheat and spray them the Soviet Green to save time and effort? 

Then Pin-wash, weather and Detail. I won't be spending the time I did on the Brit's that's for sure.


  1. Excellent post. A very impressive standard of finish for the Chieftains, 432s and the Anti-Tank platoon. The gun tube cam netting really looks the part. Aye, Rusty

  2. Yeah, wait till they are finished properly and with Decals...I've still got a few opportunities to stuff this up. :)
