Sunday 28 October 2012

Soviet Motor Rifle out of Spray shop

Painting WIP 

Okay inspired by COLDWARGAMER and TACOBAT, I've smashed through the old Motor-Rifle Company. They have been primed Black and then Airbrushed Vallejo Reflective Green, washed in my own Wash mixture (1:8 Black Acrylic to Water with a few drops of Vallejo Glaze Medium). The Blue on the Vision blocks is a nod & a wink to TACOBAT's style.

Now I need to drybrush, weather and put on Soviet Decals.

Based on the Orbat below:-

I will be doing these FO Scale ORBAT's just so everyone is clear how the force will work.

Once I get 2 more BMP's I will re-organise the force into 3 Platoons of 3 BMP's with a  BMP's as a Company Command Element like so :-

So I will have a full 1986 Motor Rifle Company, then I will add in a 122mm Battery to them and some AAA but all of this can be added £30 here and there. But I will have the core of a strong 2000 point force which can be added to in the future.

These will be "Gucci as" when finished and they will be my personal force, the BAOR is my "lend out Army", as once upon a time I imagined I would struggle to get opponents but as it has transpired this mini-project at our Wargaming Club has grown.


Colonel Rusty has sent over some more pics of his forces preparing for Operations.

Beautiful and Badass at the same time....

I have also been able to have a look at "Oberst Fischer's Panzer Grenadiers" they are shaping up nicely, as are "Colonel Tempest's Cav" Pictures will follow as I am hounding them constantly for pics for this blog ! (Everybody loves pictures.)

Some Shots from a Test Game last week 

Some gratuitous BAOR war porn, although the scenery is somewhat "Northern France" soon to be changed to more of a German Plains look (cannot get the staff these days).

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