Friday 19 October 2012


A quick visual update of the CMBG being painted up by Rusty of "Hurry Up and Wait" Fame.

I think you will all agree that these look Ace! This is an Infantry fire team and a GPMG/MAG of the Royal 22nd Regiment R22eR "Vandoos".


I have to say these put my efforts with my British DPM to shame, time for me to man up and up my game as Rusty has raised the bar with the quality of these miniatures (even the little Canadian Flags in the Corners makes me Jealous....)

This project is rapidly snowballing, I'm pleased with it and working hard to keep it on track.


Almost ready to paint my Motor Rifle units, still putting off the Infantry struggling to raise the enthusiasm to tackle 16 odd Stands of infantry including basing them and priming them....Hey ho, to borrow that wonderful British Military saying "Head down, arse up, just keep going".

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