Monday 1 October 2012


So for our campaign most of our players are buying miniatures from, this is primarily due to the definitive range that QRF do, across different Countries including the ancillary vehicles.

Our first bulk delivery is due in the next few weeks and from this our first Battlegroups will be formed. Pictures and model reviews to follow.

I will be purchasing the Ambush Alley Cards and the Force on Force Die Set. I am trying to work out a token set, for use with the units so we can be clear about units.


Most of our forces will be centred around frontline Mechanised forces, therefore we won't be putting artillery on the table unless the scenario dictates it (such as an SAS Raid on a Soviet Rocket Force Unit). This is to represent the fact that Artillery fires over 10's of Kilometres and firing over opensights is not a situation that would often occur. Artillery Units are not famed for being up in the vanguard, that said some smaller artillery units like 2S1 122mm with Soviet Motor Rilfe units will be allowed, as will 120mm mortar systems most of which would have a range under 10km and seem appropriate on a 6' x 4' Board.

Off board support will be represented by units in an adjacent CELL, each CELL can hold 2 Friendly units maximum. When they move against units in another CELL this gives a Maximum of 4 UNITS fighting in a CELL.

Using the Example below, to show how this will work.

1. Soviet Motor Rifle Unit Moves into CELL A, to assault the LEOPARD 2 Battalion there.
2. The Soviet Motor Rifle Unit will receive Off-board Fire support in the form of 2S19 155mm BATTERY stationed in an adjacent CELL B.
3. CELL C is a Soviet Guards Tank unit and provides no support.
4. The LEOPARDS in A have a Panzer Grenadier Unit in D providing no support and an Empty CELL E.

Therefore when fighting out the Battle of Cell A on a 6 x 4 Board the Panzer Force of Leopards will have no support and the Soviet Motor Rifle will have a Battalion of 155m 2S19 - 15mm.

All Artillery Units will be able to move one CELL per turn. If a Combat Unit enters a CELL occupied by Enemy Artillery they take a TQ test on a 4+ the Artillery is Destroyed. If the EN Artillery survives it moves to the next available friendly CELL if none is available it is destroyed.


If an EN Artillery battery is within 3 CELLS of a Friendly Artillery Piece, when the EN Artillery Battery provides Off board support it opens itself to counter Battery Fire. At the end of each round of EN Artillery fire, The Friendly battery performs a TQ test on a 4+ Counterfire successfully neutralises the EN Artillery.

1. Again the Soviet Motor-Rifle Unit attacks the Leopards and can call on the Support of the 2S19-155mm Battalion in CELL B.
2. He must decide whether to use it to support his attack against the Leopards or put it in COUNTER-BATTERY. He opts to have them support the Attack as the BMP's will have a hard time against LEO 2's without assistance.
3. The LEOPARD Commander wisely decides to keep his M109's  in CELL C in COUNTER-BATTERY to hopefully neutralise the Artillery in CELL B when they fire.

Every Artillery Unit in an adjacent CELL can be put into a different mode, this will start major artillery duels from multiple directions or can lead to overwhelming artillery support on individual sectors. 

NOTES:- Upto two units of Artillery can be in a CELL, Counter battery fire is only ever directed by one unit against another unit. Therefore a single round of Counter battery fire against a CELL containing two Artillery units will only destroy one of the units. 

*MLRS has a range of 4 CELLS.

I am still working through the Mechanic for the Air-Battles  / Close Air Support.

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