Saturday 15 September 2012

A Journey back in time...

Fighting out the Cold War in 15mm Scale

Welcome to my Blog charting CARDIFF WARGAMES CLUB's Campaign for the Force in Force - Cold War Gone Hot ruleset. (NOW ABANDONED IN FAVOUR OF OUR OWN CUSTOM RULESET)

Many of us are Veterans of the UK Armed forces or avid history buffs and the ability to play out some of our unrealised nightmare scenarios has a peculiar draw to it. Maybe it's partly the thought of what might have been, how things could have gone so wrong (but actually didn't!), the hours spent under canvas or in various shell scrapes in remote parts of Germany. It is the legacy and doctorine of NATO from that period that has carried through much of the UK armed forces & it's Allies well into the 21st Century. 

Well starting in January 2013, we will begin our journey back to February 1st 1986 post Exercise REFORGER 86 when our fictional Campaign will begin with an overwhelming assault by the WARPAC forces.

All NATO and WARPAC Forces will be represented (including the French) as will Airforces. Artillery and CAS will be determined by positions relative by their HEX's as will items such as MLRS which can be used against whole units across the HEX grid such as DIV HQ's and Artillery Parks.

Deployments will be made on our campaign map, and subsequently fought out on our 6x4 Tables with 15mm scale models. 

So this Blog will act as a Narrative, with some fictional stories to give it direction, but the stories will follow the results of victories, defeats, outrageous bad fortune, or unbelievable luck. I hope in this way to model the fickle nature of lady luck and how that affects modern warfare more than many would care to admit. 

It will also showcase models and forces that will be fighting in this campaign, and hopefully act as an interesting read to others who enjoy this kind of war-gaming. 

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